Thursday, June 10, 2010

Police Oral Board - Advice on How to WOW the Interview Panel

You've been dreaming of becoming a police officer all your life. Since grade school you've been telling friends and family that when you grow up you want to become a police officer. Then you grow into adult hood, and realize the road to becoming a policemen is a lot tougher than you were led to believe. Don't kill those dreams because today I'm going to discuss what you need to do to get hired.

One of the biggest mistakes that many prospects make when going through the hiring process is failure to prepare for the all too important police oral board interview. I don't think recruits realize how important the police oral interview is in terms of getting hired. To put it simple, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being least important and 10 being extremely important, I give the police oral board interview a 10.

You see the the police officer oral board interview is by far the single most important phase of the selection process. This will be the very last opportunity to sell yourself to hiring panel, and believe me if you wow the panel with your answers, you will not be forgotten.

Let's look at a sample question that many recruits screw up badly. They put no emotion behind their answer and as a result they miss out on a golden opportunity to set the tone for the duration of the interview. The question is...

"Why do you want to become a police officer"

Instead of giving a robotic, and rehearsed answer, take your time and rewind the time and take the board members back on when and where you decided to become a cop. Give a story on how this decision came to be, and what circumstances in your life led up to this decision. Don't be afraid to tell the panel how excited you've been every since.

Please don't tell the panel that you want to become a police officer because you want to drive fast or carry a gun. Being honest, and telling your story is one of the most powerful thing you can do to connect with the police oral board.

Whether you're preparing for your first Police Oral Interview or you're retaking it after you were eliminated the first time around, you need to be ready. And the best way to do this is to get a comprehensive list of the top 100 most commonly asked police interview questions and answers here:

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