Thursday, June 10, 2010

Most Asked Police Interview Questions - Learn 5 Common Police Interview Questions

Whether you desire to work in the drug unit, detective division, swat team, or the homicide team there's a few prerequisites that you'll have to meet before that can happen. And at the top of the list is passing the police oral board interview. Luckily for you, I'm going to list the top 5 most commonly asked police interview questions since there's such a high failure rate among potential recruits.

The police oral exam is probably the most important phase in the police officer selection process. Why? Because it is your last shot to sell yourself to the administration (you know the people who are actually going to hire you). Another reason why the police oral interview is so important is the hiring panel put a lot of emphasis on your performance during the scenario base questions. If you do well on the "what if" type of questions you'll likely leap frog the competition.

Because the interview was designed to measure your reasoning and judgment capabilities, you'll definitely want to impress the raters on the board if you want the job. The best way to prepare is to gather a list of the most commonly asked interview questions and practice answering them before the actual interview. Below I've listed the top 5 police interview questions you should prepare to answer:

  • What do you know about our organization, starting with the assistant chief's first and last name?
  • Tell us an event in your life where you overcame adversity?
  • Why do you want to work for our agency?
  • Tell us a time in your life where you displayed an ability to work with others?
  • What is your biggest weakness/strengths?

In Conclusion

Those are just a few sample police interview questions, if you want the complete list of the top 100 most commonly asked police interview questions and answers visit

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