Thursday, June 10, 2010

Police Oral Board Interview - Success Comes With Preparation

When I decided that police work was my several years ago, I had no idea that I'd have to pass the police oral exam. I didn't know until college that police applicants had to take a lie detector test, or even go through a psych evaluation test. I taught that getting a police job was just like any other job. You simply fill out an application, interview and wait to get a call back from the interviewer. Boy was I wrong.

I got a wake up call during my freshmen year in college, when I realized that all police candidates have to take the polygraph test, civil service entrance exam, and the oral board interview. I knew the entrance exam shouldn't be a problem, but the oral interview would be a different story. I knew if I didn't get prepared pronto, I'd panic on the first question. So I decided to get as many police interview books as possible to help me prepare.

The result- I totally aced the police oral board interview. I had the panel wanting to hiring me on the spot. Why am I sharing this? Well I'm sharing this because I want to show you that proper preparation is the key to a successful oral interview. Not only did I know what I was going to be asked, but I already knew how to respond to the question without any hesitation. I was never caught off guard with a question.

Even some of the scenario base questions were already good as memorized. So go out and get yourself a police interview book either at your local library or from the bookstore. You can thank me later.

In Conclusion

Whether you're preparing for your first Police Oral Interview or you're retaking it after you were eliminated the first time around, you need to be ready. And the best way to do this is to get a comprehensive list of the most commonly asked police interview questions and answers here:

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