Thursday, June 10, 2010

Police Oral Board Interview Sample Questions

Sample Interview Questions For Police Officer Recruits

If you are serious about becoming a police officer, then my suggestion is to get prepared for the police oral board interview PRONTO. Why? because the police oral exam is the single most important section of the police selection process. If you do well on the oral exam, then you'll likely get offered the position either via mail or by phone. On the other hand, if you do poorly on the interview, you'll likely get something in the mail as well, but it's likely a disqualification letter.

Because some of the questions on the oral board interview is so predictable, I sometimes wonder why so many applicants have such a tough time. You see, you don't need a PHD to do well on the police oral interview if you had a general idea on what you'll be asked. All you have to do at that point is kinda script your answers to that particular question. You can even have more than one response ready for a given question in case the interviewers throw a loop in the question. It's really simple.

Here's one sample question that you're surely going to be asked by the raters on the interview panel. Sometimes there are no "right" or "wrong" answers to a given question unless your response is way off.

Sample Police Interview Question#1:

1. You are running radar, when you clock someone traveling 20 miles over the speed limit. You activate your light bar, and stop the vehicle. When you approach the driver, you notice that it's your mother.

What is your next course of action since the violator is your mother?


The best response to this question is the truth. Don't give an answer that you think the panel wants to hear. Give an answer that is real, and honest. You know as much as I do that you aren't going to give your own mother a citation so don't lie and tell the panel that you will. The panel will be full of veteran cops, and I assure you that they won't dare give their own mother a ticket.

Hope this police sample question helped.

In Conclusion

If you want to be 100% prepared, then I suggest reviewing more Interview Sample Questions either online or by getting a comprehensive interview prep booklet.

If you want to get started right away, I suggest that you go and download the top 100 most commonly asked police interview questions and answers HERE

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