If your dream is to become a police officer, there are a series of exams that you must pass. One exam that can be quite difficult is the face-to-face panel interview. You see, the police oral board interview is not like any other job interview that you've ever been through in the past. The truth is the oral exam is tough as nails, and rightly so. If you can't handle tough questions in front of 3-5 people, it's quite possible that you will fold during a more stressful situation on the street.
Here are some tips that will help you prepare for the oral board interview.
- Show sign Of confidence. Walk into the interview room with your head, and shoulders held high and your back straight.
- Prepare questions and answers before facing the panel. Make sure that you know the department like the back of your hand. Research the police department so you'll know stuff like their mission statement, crime rate of certain area, and how many active patrolman are assigned per shift. Also be well prepared with answers to common questions that you'll be asked.
- Relax during the interview. do not sit ramrod straight, or perched on the edge of your seat. It is better to sit in a relaxed, and natural posture.
- Don't go overboard with humor. Be careful with humor, everyone is unique and you do not know what your interviewers will find funny and what he/she don't.
- Be early. It's best to arrive at the interview site about 15 minutes early. it is better to be early and have to wait, then to be late and have the panel waiting on you.
- Don't make stories that is not true. Be completely honest. Don't pat yourself on the back and give yourself experience or skills you don't have, and do not pretend to be someone that you are not. If you misrepresent yourself, they'll likely find out during the background check or the lie detector test anyways so don't bother.
- Make sure that you emphasize your strengths. You want to let the oral board know why you're such a good candidate for the position of a police officer.
- Listen to the interviewers. Don't interrupt when he/she is speaking.
- Dress in professional attire. Conservative business wear is preferable. Make sure it's neat, clean and pressed.
In Conclusion
If you want detailed police interview tips that will skyrocket your name to the top of the hiring list, visit http://www.PoliceOralBoardInterviewSecrets.com. You can even download an entire manual of the most commonly asked police interview questions and answers Here
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