I get a little irked when I see ads online telling people that in order to become a police officer, they must enroll in their high priced university. What a bunch of bull. Those ads are not interested in helping people become police officers, instead they are looking at the bottom line. You see police work is more common sense than anything else. No degree can replace good common sense, trust me in that.
I've seen recruits who are college educated do very poorly on their police scenario questions, while average folks with only high school diplomas literally run circles around them. I've been a police officer for over eight years and I can tell you getting a college degree does not guarantee you a job. If you have a college degree that's just fantastic but there's one thing in the hiring process that trumps any degree that you might have. That is the police oral board interview. If you don't do well on the oral board exam, you might as well look for another career. It's that simple.
You see the hiring panel puts more emphasis on the oral board interview than any other step in the hiring process. In fact, if you score high on the oral board interview it really doesn't matter if you have a college degree or not. You'll leap frog the competition and jump to the top of the hiring list. It's that simple. So before you enroll in those high priced prep courses that promises a law enforcement job right out of college, turn your attention to preparing for the oral board interview instead.
In conclusion, if you want to become a police officer as quickly as possible the only thing you need to worry about is getting a top score on the Oral Board Interview. Luckily for you getting a top score on the oral exam is not as difficult as you think if you discover exactly what the board members are going to ask you. You see, all you have to do to prepare for the oral exam is to get a comprehensive list of the most commonly asked police interview questions and answers found here: http://www.PoliceOralBoardInterviewSecrets.com.
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